The Urban Greening Factor (UGF) is a tool that evaluates and quantifies the amount and quality of urban greening that a scheme provides to inform decisions about appropriate levels of greening in new developments.
The aims of the UGF are to:
To accelerate greening of the built environment, making sure London is greener.
To ensure better planned & quality greening interventions that contribute to a functioning Green Infrastructure Network
Both BNG & UGF are measured very differently. BNG results are based on the uplift created from an assessment of a pre development habitat. UGF is based on the post development landscape plan and scores square metre areas of specific landscape features
Technically you need to show compliance in both, where a landscape post development plan has shown significant BNG uplift but failed to achieve the UGF score, I recommend submitting detailed overview & professional recommendations as to why UGF cannot be achieved to allow planning to make informed local decisions.
BNG legislation & UGF are new and evolving. It will be continually assessed and amended as more BNG projects are submitted and reviewed by planning. It will be an ongoing challenge for many parties, but over time it will find it's place and way forward in the future.